All posts by warriorupthrowdown

Frankfurt: Arson attack against power and communication lines

(Technical details are in bold.)

The axis of the rabble has struck. We set fire with the intention of considerably impairing the power supply and the grid connection of the large data centres of Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Deutsche Börse [that operates the Frankfurt Stock Exchange], and many others in Eschborn.

On March 16th, 2015, at 5am, the ground cables of an electricity pylon and three distribution boxes of Vodafone went up in flames on the outskirts of Eschborn near the A66 highway.

The side of the State tried to gag the disruption of the capitalist daily life by imposing a news blackout on Monday; however, telecommunication and power supply failures, as well as a large contingent of firefighters deployed in the early morning hours in Frankfurt did not go unnoticed.

Smash ECB [European Central Bank]

The axis of the rabble

From Contra-info

Prison sabotaged during construction

(Technical details are in bold.)

It is important to announce one week before the opening of HMP Berwyn that two of the houseblocks in the prison are structurally unsound due to sabotage in 2015.

After our action in May 2015 where machinery was sabotaged, we knew that to regularly attempt to attack the prison would be impossible due to the prison walls being built around the site. After intensive research, it soon became apparent that we could have a dramatic effect with little effort.

In July 2015, a strong acidic powder was poured into the excavations of the groundfloor slabs of two of the prisons’s houseblocks. This has made two of these buildings structurally unsound – their foundations will eventually crumble and the buildings could collapse over time.

Given that the strength of these slabs has been greatly reduced, intrusive investigations and a full re-build of these houseblocks would be necessary before attempting to cage people in these buildings.

This action is dedicated to every human being that has died in the prison system at the hands of the State.

From 325

Sabotage of coal rail transport line in Avon Gorge

(Technical details are in bold.)

Severing the lines that feed the machine is not impossible. When people take up civil uprising in the UK, if people are able to shove their obligations to one side to open up an avenue, they mainly have the ability and possibility to be able to grasp their will for something new. The war is not over when those moments stop, it sparks up in little raptures here and there, showing that we are not crushed, things can be brought to a grinding halt again, even for a split second.

It just takes a few bright spirits and we see it clear, when the smug confidence of authorities is knocked, a few pins get hit out and things can be seen in a different light. Out of synch and off balance, everything no longer appears structurally sound, life feels more up for grabs.

The new horizon peaked through our cloudy day, Sunday 6th March, and we hope this uncomplicated act of sabotage we have undertaken exposes the vulnerability of their complex matrix.

We took a risk assessment and as night just started to close in we entered the 1st railway tunnel, we cut both lines with a portable disc cutter, we didn’t imagine de-railing a locomotive but wrecking disruption and economic damage (time is money). We entered a 2nd and did a further two cuts, marking them all with pink paint, and leaving a banner as a warning.

The line in question runs through the Avon Gorge from Royal Portbury Dock over from Avonmouth, it’s freight only (no passengers), 70% of the UK’s imported coal for power generation comes through these docks. This line is a bottle-neck to the country’s dispersal. Most of it from USA where they blow apart mountains to get it out and Russia from the Shor and Teleut ancestral lands laid waste in Siberia, also places like Indonesia which drive back the forests for sprawling mines and plantations. That’s to keep factories running and city lights on, when we’ve got a feeling for escaping the work prisons and regaining the stars. Other loads carried on the line include construction aggregate and new built vehicles on their way to the show room. More high-speed trainlines are coming to the UK, more roads, more ancient woodland and wildlife wiped out in the frenzy of progress.

After seeing the firey activities against the coal flow in the Hambach forest of Germany since New Years – don’t give up the fight!, or the cutting of the coal belt in Scotland some years back by persons unknown when the battles against coal mining raged, we realise we’re not original. It’s not even the first time for eco-sabotage ambushes on that line from Portbury or the troublesome cargo, over the years. We see attacks following attacks on trainlines in different countries, it’s within reach to hinder the circuits powering the giant, we just have to harness our courage, keep an eye peeled for soft spots, maybe starting small but always dreaming big. Right now we’re reading about economic damage this month from trainline saboteurs in the north of Spain, we affirm our solidarity and respect too for the anarchists there with showcase court cases or police attention otherwise, we laugh to hear about the rowdy spirits that keep up when repressed for the fight to reject dominion. Maybe the sparks kicked up in the train tunnels even reflected over the Alps and beyond to light the sky for those in dark cells for trying to stop high-speed capitalism and also its nano-world technologies.

Joining our strength with the near and distant tribes, refusal and attack! Block the flows, up the fighters!

Toward a life that’s wild and free from coal, quarries, cars or cops.
Avon Gorge sabotage group “Sand In The Gears”, signing out…..

From 325

Spanish trains sabotaged

(Technical details are in bold.)

On March 11th 2016, we cut the counterweights along the catenary of Avilés/Xixón rail line in both directions. The cuts were made at the height of the town of Villabona, locality where our comrades Mónica and Francisco are held hostage. These cuts produce a voltage drop on the line forcing a halt to train traffic, causing serious delays and economic losses. The action aims to send a warm revolutionary hug to our comrades on the occasion of the trial/farce organised by the Spanish State.

Also solidarity graffiti were painted on the two signs of the -penitentiary centre- indicating where they are held hostage.

Love for freedom, and hate of those who take it from us

Some anarchist individualities

From Contra-info

Train sabotage at Hambach open cast mine with Thermite

(Technical details are in bold.)

On the night of the 5th of January I paid a visit to the Hambach open cast browncoal mine close to Aachen. My goal was to destroy the railroad tracks with a load of thermite i stole from an other industrial company.

Thermite burns around 2500 degrees celcius and the steel of the tracks melts around 1500 degrees celcius so the thermite does a lot of damage when ignited properly.

I chose the location so it would hurt them most, at the part where the train can switch to the other track since this part is one of a kind and they have to make a new one on site. When I got there I set everything up after checking the target and my escape route, the termite I put in 2 plantpots with a hole in the bottom to guide the molten mixture to the right place. The stuff is easy to ignite with sparklers which you can get anywhere around new years but to be sure it all goes up I put around 20 in each spot.

I placed the devices and set it ablaze, just in the moment I lit the 2nd one I saw the headlights of an train coming my way. I had plenty of time to get some space between me and the molten mixture and watch the train driving into one of the pots. The tracks and front wheel was covered in the burning thermite and making a repetitive noise of the wheels hitting the damaged

After one last look at this spectacle I got my ass out of there.

Piromane against RWE.

From 325

Night of Sabotage in Bristol

(Technical details are in bold.)

“We are warming up… early on January 10th, as anarchists with revolutionary intent we continued in the trajectory that our horror and disgust at the society we find ourselves engulfed by demands.

as a result – bailiff and debt collecting firm Revenue on Bonnville Road, windows all down one side of the building smashed (despite regular security patrol close by).

– O2 repeater tower secluded behind a nearby industrial estate, lock cut from the gate with bolt-croppers then a tyre filled with rags wedged through the biggest bunch of cables(rags also tied around the cables) and doused with paraffin and ignited with a birthday candle wick to torch the whole thing.

– Brislington police station, paintstripper used to damage the bodywork of three squadcars and one mobile c.c.t.v unit and windows put out (inside their fenced vehicle compound).

– HSBC bank on the main Bath Road, front windows shot out.

as the country lurches further into the certainty of even more clearcut class attacks on the poor by the rich, we would predict a certain rise in the use of a variety of tools and tactics by the exploited and excluded in return in this social war that some still desperately try to bury their heads from as it rages before their eyes. for us, while we respect a diversity of tactics based on participants ability and on results not dogma, a meaningful struggle against the state, capitalism and the prison-based society it produces and represents must be defined by complete and permenant conflict with the ruling order rather than demands or dialogue. now is not the time and never has been for us to waste time and breath caught up in the politics of representatives or leftists/activists wishing us to wittle away our time in petty politics rather than seeking to expand our relationships of utter revolt with each other. we seek only to find those who wish to conspire with us for a fight that will take us beyond everything we know of this world, to realise a libertarian autonomous society through collective destruction of the present one.

these actions of sabotage are simple and achieve these aims directly. in many areas there are targets, it is simply impossible for them to be all defended at once by our enemies so we take our time and strike at will. the allseeing eye still has blindspots it would seem. when struggling against the network of technological repression, police – communications infrastructure – bailiffs – banks all pose very real and attackable faces to the not so invisible machine.

From 325

Attack against Communications Infrastructure

(Technical details are in bold.)

A ‘T-mobile’ repeater was destroyed by fire. All effort was made not to endanger any life and the mast was chosen due to its distance from residential buildings and activity. The fence was cut with bolt-croppers and placed at the base of the antenna, wrapped around the electrical cables powering the mast, was a cut tyre filled with rags soaked in paraffin. Soaked rags were also tied to the cables and tucked into the tyre. Firelighters were used to ignite the lot. The antenna was situated near the central Temple Meads railway station close to a new ‘urban development’ area.

Destructive acts against the telecommunications infrastructure of capitalist economy are simple and reproducible, as are attacks against other facets of industrial society. The system relies on a network of cables, antennas and power units to enforce and sustain its exploitation. Far from being a faceless abstract enemy, the conduits of commodity production remain attackable at many points, vulnerable to our courage, rage and joy.

We dedicate this action to the arrested anarchists Constantino, Luca and Silvia in Switzerland, accused of conspiring against a nano-tech facility; to all the prisoners of the social struggle in Greece and to all those who have begun to fight, in a myriad of places, of different tongues, races and names.


Communications mast arson

We take responsibility for the attack on the communications mast on Dundry hill on 11th April, that took out five communication services and took off air BBC Radio Bristol and Jack FM for more than 16 hours, as well as disrupting Avon and Somerset Police radio communications it seems (although they are refusing to comment on this).

We did this by stuffing two tyres with rags and methylated spirit, jamming them in the bundles of wires at the bottom of the mast and then igniting them. It was our pleasure to demonstrate that with modest ability and ample will we can create a rupture in ‘business as usual’.

We want to interrupt the spectacle of the mass media, and the administration of the technological-information society.

These radio stations and the media in general enforce the interests of the ruling class – the state and corporations. Propaganda masquerading as ‘objective news’ comes ad verbatim from government and corporate sources, and listeners get blasted with a tidal wave of adverts worshipping commodity lifestyle. Any criticism of the status quo is allowed, as long as it occurs within certain parameters, taking capitalism and civilisation as given, and entrenching the idea that these are inevitable. These criticisms, drained of any vitality, actually help maintain the existing order by making it appear tolerant. Genuinely revolutionary ideas are met with violent repression, as in the recent case of the anarchist counter information websites Culmine and Parole Armatein Italy. Every repressive blow deserves an answer. Mass media is the enemy of all rebellion and of every attempt to create a free life.

The media is just one tool of modern alienation. Technologies such as mobile phones and online networks have become so all-pervasive that other more meaningful forms of communication have been undermined. We are increasingly atomised and connected to each other through the mediation of mass electronic devices. The technological-information society makes it easy to bury yourself in obsessive updating, reality TV, ‘social media’, popularity games and whatever gets handed down to blot out a way of life which hinges on control and exclusion.

Faced with all this, we aren’t bought off as accomplices to an impoverished society that is collapsing the ecology which hosts us on this planet, and we reject the endless slide show of media revelry.

This was our torch of solidarity to; Luca Abba (injured whilst resisting the military-style occupation by police thugs in the Susa Valley) and the 25 arrested across Italy fighting against the high speed train line construction; the jailed eco-sabateurs Braulio and Adrian in Mexico along with Sadie and Exile in the US; and members of the Greek revolutionary organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (who are now threatened with having their sentences lengthened) and the others accused in their case.

For a renewed spring offensive – THE TIME IS NOW AND THE ENEMY IS EVERYWHERE

–Some rising flames, ELF Empowering inferno

From 325

The relatively simple and repeatable action, like many of the attacks carried out by FAI/ELF, used methods anybody could research and execute. The attacks against the communications masts are done by burning the transmission conduit wires from the mast to the generator.

From 325

How to block trains

Warrior Up Note: in our experience, this method hasn’t worked to interrupt train activity. Do tests in your area to determine whether it is an effective tactic.

Trains are one of the main ways that oil is transported across Turtle Island. Physical blockades of the tracks have been used effectively many times to hamper ecocidal projects of “resource extraction”.

We can also block the rails in a sneaky way: by tricking the signalling system into thinking there is a train on the tracks. This trick will force train traffic to come to a halt until the signal blockage is cleared. It can be done in under a minute, and repeated many times to have a significant impact on train circulation. It can take hours to find and remove this blockage, stopping all train traffic in the meantime.

Here’s how their system works:
A low velocity current runs through each rail. The electricity runs across the junctions of an individual rail with copper wire connections. When a train passes, it forms an electrical connection between rails and signals its presence.

Here’s how we can block the signal:
Get some 6-gauge booster cables. You can paint the wire black to make it harder to find. Rust on the tracks can prevent a solid connection, so connecting directly to the tracks might not work. To avoid this problem, find a section of rail where two junctions are side by side, and connect the copper wires with the booster cable. You can hide the wire with snow or rocks. The connection will lower railway crossing barriers that are nearby.

From MTL Counter-info

« Luddites » conduct solidarity sabotages in southeast Quebec

(Technical details are in bold.)

Brief resume of this communique: A railroad telecom cable was burned and three residential development panels vandalised in response to an eviction of Native resister in Gatineau and in solidarity with the 5E3, somewhere in southern K-bekk.

Full version:

So the other night on September 21, we’ve set fire to a railroad telecomm cable linking Brigham to Sherbrooke (Qc) to the US, thinking about the Algonquins people recently evicted from a resistance camp and detained in Gatineau. We took the time to select a railway bridge in the middle of nowhere near Waterloo, so we’d not have to dig to get to the cables or attract too much attention. Some fuel was dropped through an opening in the steel casing of the cables, then set on fire. Nothing fancy. It worked better as we’d guessed, as a few seconds later it already smelled burning rubber a few meters away. The enclosed air in the conduct apparently turned the fire into something like a blow torch. Kind of easy game to be reproduced elsewhere by others, we told ourselves… so that’s a reason to let others know.

Of course it didn’t cause the whole techno-industrial system to collapse! Society is still pretty much functional today. But you gotta start attacking it somewhere. Though it did feel as if an important nerve deep below society had been severed. And this felt good getting off our asses in the middle of the night for this.

It is noteworthy that this railway line is the exact same on which the tar sands train used to pass, taking the lives of a hundred people last year. It is again used to transport oil from the West to the US, though at much smaller rate. Soon it will be replaced by the equally parasitic and devastating pipelines, unless a serious opposition to it rises out from the current apathy so widespread in southern Quebec these days. As the sheep put their trust in the bureaucrats and the « experts » with all their « moratoriums », legal challenges and « environmental assessments », the popular beast is tamed and kept in line, the same line that led us to a disaster last year, and keeps destroying the wild life around…

Hence, as bonus, during the following days, panels for rural residential developments were vandalized, each in the name of prisoners Amélie, Fallon and Carlos imprisoned in Mexico, two of which are from Montreal.

Two panels were spray-painted in Sainte-Etienne-de-Bolton (ot very far from that sabotage) where « Ecocide » was written, and a large panel by the highway 10 that ties Montreal to Sherbrooke.

Those gestures are far from the intensity of the attacks those three persons are accused of, but they target another end of the same social machine that destroys and rapes the living, here as in northern Alberta, Mexico and elsewhere.

We take the opportunity to pass on our shared view on fighting the progress of techno-civilization: This fast-growing type of visual pollution plays a key role in the destruction process paving way to the invasion of techno-industrial society, but also are very worthy alternatives to the classic urban vandalism. There’s no geopolitics of vandalism, what matters being just the sensitivity of the target to the infrastructure behind, and this one is sensitive as fuck. Though as countless graffiti in the City will at least express a critique and give a virtual impression of disorder, at best defame the fascists and the cops and capital; suburban sprawl can be stopped or slowed down in direct result from vandalism against those spectacular outlets of capital (in this case, the gangster construction industry and all its parasites who just wanna pay themselves a yatch with easy money out the sale and destruction of fictionally-owned land, who’re pretty much the same fuckers who pay themselves summer residences here with gentrification money in the city. Get the picture?). We have proof of this, by experience… we have seen major real-estate corporations withdrawing from developments, just because of panels being recursively vandalized. We fought this kind of tactic, no matter how low-scale or boring it may look like, deserves to be brought back in the attack menu, at least as appetizers. So, tons of opportunities for subvertive art at the tip of the civilizational spearhead. A good field for spreading anti-civ memes too!

For all the creatures killed or evicted by the death machine of society that keeps spawling.

For the wild!

– King Ludd and his army of Fenians, from the darkness of the forest

From Anti-dev